Friday, March 14, 2008

Blog Assignment

Shown above is Magdalena Abakanowicz's Agora which through the use of REPETITION has created a disturbing image that reflects the artists ordeal of living in war ravaged Poland as a child.

Shown on bottom is William Blake's The Last Judgment is an example of SYMMETRICAL BALANCE as he has compositionally placed figures on both sides of the image ascending to heaven or descending to hell.

Ok all you ART 1030 BLOGGERS. Here is your task: Pick two of the terms listed below from chapter 3 in the textbook Organizing Principles of Designand post an example and explain why. Above are examples from the book but you will need to come up with your own. Remember that not all of these principles are emphasized in a single work. And certain artists use them more intuitively than intellectually, using nonlinear thinking while sketching, planning, and manipulating design elements-until every thing "feels" right. Nevertheless the principles gives a basis for understanding how art works aesthetically and formally.
Here is your list of terms:
-Visual Weight
-Symmetrical Balance
-Asymmetrical Balance
-Radial Balance
-Compositional Unity
-Focal Point
-Economy of Means


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