Thursday, October 11, 2007

Takashi Murakami (aka the WARHOL of Japan)

Warhol "Campbell's Soup Can" shown above
Murakami Takashi "Tranquility of the Heart, Torment of the Flesh" shown above
Read this article at the NY Times

Does popular imagery belong in fine art? Why or why not?

How does art that uses this type of imagery make you feel about mass production?


Anonymous said...

Murakami may be widly know and respected, but to me, his is not really that good. Don't get me wrong he is very talented, but most of his works that i have seen are really corny.

Anonymous said...

I thing he's alright i agree with justin on this one he is i little corny he's kinda plane i mean his drawings are good but to me there just simple.